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15 Members • 4 Topics

Infection, Prevention and Control and Outbreak Response

Webinar: Infection, Prevention and Control and Outbreak Response: Moving beyond a reactive to a proactive approach. 29th June 2021, 3pm BST. This is the second event of a UK Public Health Rapid Support Team (UK-PHRST) discussion series on outbreak preparedness and response which aims to encourage reflection and shared learning, as well as creative discourse. It is an opportunity for all those working in Infection Prevention and Control in low and middle income countries to come together and discuss ways to synergise investment in short term outbreak response towards longer term quality improvement. We will hear perspectives from those who have worked in IPC system strengthening, outbreak response and across a range of theatres of engagement. Chair: Emilio Hornsey, Senior Infection Prevention and Control Nurse, UK-PHRST. Speakers: Professor Folashade Ogunsola, Chair of Infection Control Africa Network, University of Lagos, Nigeria; Dr Stacey Mearns, Senior Technical Advisor, Emergency Health International Rescue Committee; Dr Samuel Mangala Malu, Chef, de Division Hygiène, Prevention et Contrôle des Infections, Ministère de la Sante, Democratic Republic of Congo; and Amy Elizabeth Barrera, Consultant, Resolve to Save Lives, South Africa. This webinar will be recorded and shared publicly. Avec interprétation française en direct. Register for this event:


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Please see the presentation slides from Dr Stacey Mearn's (Senior Health Advisor, IRC) presentation on "Infection Prevention and Control and Outbreak Response: Integrating reactive and proactive approaches":

4 years ago • Read full post
3 Members • 2 Topics

Disease outbreak preparedness and response: Education experiences and ideas

This discussion event was the first of a discussion series on outbreak preparedness and response to encourage sharing of experiences and reflections that further our understanding of how we can best support learning in these contexts. It included presentations on educational programmes developed in response to disease outbreaks from Briëtte du Toit (Infection Control African Network, South Africa), Maryirene Ibeto (UK Public Health Rapid Support Team, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK) and Renata Bernardes David (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Brazil). You will be able to access the recording soon on the UK-PHRST Knowledge Hub. We invite you to continue to share experiences, ideas and resources relating to education on the topic of disease outbreaks. What opportunities or challenges have you experienced relating to education on disease outbreak preparedness and response? Please also share topic/speaker suggestions for future events as part of this outbreak preparedness and response discussion series here or email The topic of discussion for each session will be selected from suggestions shared by participants providing opportunity for those in attendance to shape the direction of this series.


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Welcome! Many thanks for joining this discussion. Please see below some questions/answers from the discussion webinar today: Q&A - Briëtte du Toit, Infection Control African Network, South Africa: Please continue to ...

4 years ago • Read full post
4 Members • 0 Topics

Launching the new UK-PHRST Knowledge Hub

The UK-PHRST are pleased to announce the launch of this new Knowledge Hub, where practitioners and researchers can find and share the most useful information for their work in outbreak response. We look forward to you joining, contributing and using our Knowledge Hub as a reliable and up-to-date source on outbreak response. Please do give us feedback on how you would like to see the UK-PHRST Knowledge Hub evolve by starting a discussion below.

2 Members • 2 Topics

Share and discuss key COVID-19 Resources for LMICs

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues sharing of knowledge, tools and key information is more vital than ever. Please feel free to use this as a forum to share links to key information and comment on those shared by others.


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The UK-PHRST continues to contribute to SSHAP (the Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform) a programme of work focusing on the social dimensions of emergency responses and aims to encourage emergency responses ...

5 years ago • Read full post
3 Members • 2 Topics

Tools & Platforms

A discussion forum for tools, standard operating procedures and additional plaforms providing resources aiming to support outbreak response.


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Identifying and testing people who may have been in contact with a COVID-19 positive case is crucial to limit the spread of COVD-19. Contact tracing has been used during previous outbreaks but ...

5 years ago • Read full post