COVID-19 Infection, Prevention and Control Training

Series 3
3.1 Update on the transmission and clinical ventilation - droplet and airborne 5 August 2020
- Transmission via aerosols
- IPC principles – ventilation
- Types of ventilation
- Natural ventilation principles
Presentation slides
3.2 Biosafety from sample collection to the laboratory 19 August 2020
- Role of the laboratory in COVID-19 diagnostics
- SARS-CoV-2 and the laboratory worker
- Analytic considerations
- Engineering and administrative controls
Presentation slides
3.3 IPC for First Responders and Community Workers 26 August 2020
- What all first responders should know about COVID19
- Who are first responders- EMP/Police/ A& E staff
- Departmental changes needed during outbreak
- How to protect them and what can they do to protect themselves
- Burnout and how to improve mental health
- Correctional services
Presentation slides
3.4 The New Normal: IPC in Work Places and Schools 2 September 2020
- How to keep safe at school and at work
- How can we teach tasks and skills safely
Presentation slides
3.5 IPC in Dental Practice: Going back to work safely with COVID-19 9 September 2020
- Transmission characteristics
- Aerosol Generating Procedures in Dentistry
- Infection Risk in Dentistry
- Concepts of care
- Minimising Risk
- Environmental cleaning
- Workplace controls
Presentation slides
3.6 IPC in Maternity Settings 16 September 2020
- Overview of infection prevention and control (IPC)
- Significance of IPC for COVID-19 in Maternity Units
- Requirements for IPC in the context of COVID-19 in the antenatal, labour and postnatal ward
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